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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Akhir Tak Pintar dari Sebuah Printer.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
The Rail Shooter Game they should make for Wii !
I'm always fond of Rail Shooter genre, that's way my preference of console systems always based on which console offer the most attractive Rail Shooter title. It wasn't easy to do since most Rail Shooter ported from arcade machine (which only bunch of developer still develop it by the way) and it usually must wait till the arcade version at least in their ‘peak popularity’ before the developer decide to port it to consoles. Some developers also make it more difficult by publish some title as exclusively made for one console system only. And our job as an avid fans of the genre got more complicated by the requirement of some title to only use proprietary light gun peripheral in order to playing the game.
The appearance of two exclusive titles (for now) for wii, in Rail Shooter category at least shows that wii is really a perfect place for it. SEGA who owns quite a bunch of Rail Shooter title didn’t even want to miss the opportunity to test the wii by porting its Ghost Squad from arcade to wii. Capcom that has a long record providing good title for Nintendo previous system also went for it. After their immediate success with Resident Evil: 4 wii edition that note by fans as best version of RE:4 so far, show the hidden power of wiimote as FPS controller must realize how good it is to use wiimote as a light gun on Rail Shooter. That’s way they test it with their franchise in Resident Evil by providing Umbrella Chronicle. A Converted from free roaming of RE type, into House of the Dead type Rail Shooter. Blast zombies in order to move forward.
Even by only these two titles, I begin excited and hope other developer would be convinced to make more title of Rail Shooter for wii. So in a light of the day while waiting for Ghost Squad and Umbrella Chronicle release, I list ten game in rail shooter genre who could see their life again in wii.
Time Crisis
If there is only one rail shooter title who can makes me purchase a console its Time Crisis. While I a bit bored by their lack of new innovation other than new story and enemy, its still I would say the best Rail Shooter ever created. The ability to hide (by ducking) through foot pedal, combined with limited time to finish the level and the requirement to reload, probably the sheer moment one can not forget while playing time crisis. To bad all this time Namco only release it for Playstation, some people also complain about their too cartoons over bright colors scheme.
Nevertheless there are thousand fans out there who know merely could only afford a wii expecting Time Crisis to be ported or have newly developed for. There’s rumour circling around the net about Namco plan for porting Time Crisis to wii, but up until now sadly there are no official announcement made by Namco. We just hope Ghost Squad or Umbrella Chronicle will be so successful so Namco didn’t have no excuses not to jump to the wagon.
Virtua Cop
While Virtua Cop is not the first Rail Shooter game in the world, its appearance in video games breathes a new life of Rail Shooter in 3D. Trough innovation like breakable window and tear-off some of properties part, sure light’s the arcade, console and even PC. Like Time Crisis the title also lack of new innovation other than new feature called bullet time that let’s you block enemies bullet with your bullet in shootout. If I may added the looks and feel of cities and warehouse that mostly is a part of Virtua Cop surrounding area could be enhanced a little bit by incorporating real architectural likeness. Produce by talented AM2 Studios for SEGA, Virtua Cop still waits to life again in next console. If Ghost Squad gets succeeded on wii, I will not surprise if SEGA try to pull this one also.
House of the Dead
Along with Virtua Cop SEGA also held the winning title on Rail Shooter genre and that would be House of The Dead. Who doesn’t want blast through a horde of zombie in dark mansion with blazing gun? While not as horrid as Resident Evil, House of The Dead it’s the only game that could provide a full feeling of shooting the living dead. Through it’s simplistic pull the trigger, it’s by far more intuitive than RE’s complex controlling system before the RE:4 Wii edition. I’ve seen that the title try to appear on different consoles (DC and then xbox) only to shows that without gun peripheral its only half fun. Let’s hope this title would also see the day on wii, after all if SEGA really near bankruptcy they should at least try the console where their title could really shines.
Silent Scope
When I first play Silent Scope, I play it in Playstation version and found the difficulties and feel sorry for developer choice to use stick control rather than to use ‘light gun’ peripheral. Even when I try unofficially supported Logitech usb mouse, I still find it’s difficult to nail a target, especially on timed mission. I never thought there would be any console great enough for Silent Scope Series until wii show the developer their powerful controller that fit Rail Shooter genre. It even better if wii zapper, can utilizing a real detachable add-on scope, to add the experience of sniper (since I already witnessing a laser pointer equipped zapper on market). We don’t see konami plan for porting silent scope to wii yet, but we also can cross our finger for it.
Operation Wolf
Why an old 2-D Rail Shooter sit on the list? Well while Operation Wolf seems did not fit the list, for pioneering reason it will be nice if we can see some old title come to live again. Operation Wolf is among the first batch of Rail Shooter who reach arcade and also the first title that being convert into many platforms. Besides why Taito only preserve Bust A Move (which happen also being convert into many platforms) while at the same time also have potential treasure in their library?
Sin & Punishment
I never even knew the title which apparently only release on Japan N64 system until I stumble on it on the net. There’s not much about it I can tell but sure it’s exclusively made for Nintendo and it falls on Rail Shooter genre. Judging from the wikipedia info I see that the game play is more like Cabal game play and also from third person view. The great things are so many people wait for it and Nintendo already list it in Virtual Console for
Star Fox
Star Fox is one of exclusive title for Nintendo and still sees the day until now. One of the type on Rail Shooter genre that doesn’t use a gun but a space ship. Judging by its popularity and it’s appearance in many of Nintendo successor system, I’m quite sure well see it one in wii very soon. Some info also noted that Wario Ware include at least few part of Star Fox on one of its level. They even suggesting, that it’s probably a system test to see how to utilizing wii’s feature (especially in graphic power) before the release of complete version.
Hogans Alley
In its time Hogans Alley never consider as a demo tech like wii sports or wii play now, but honestly it is. Since back then if you own Nintendo light gun, there’s not much a title to play with beside duck hunt. Hogan Alley puts you in some sort police shooting range and you shoot cartoon like target board who resemblance good and bad guys. Fast reaction and accuracy is the one that could saves you through repetitive level. It is very unlikely we see it as a stand alone title, but as wii a part of zipper purchase and if Nintendo sees the shooting practice in wii play not enough to show people about the seriousness of wii as Rail Shooter platform perhaps once again we will see Hogans Alley.
Lethal Enforcer
It may be showed as controversial title on its time as an example of violence correlation with video games. Just see their choice of colour for their guns controller (in shocking plastic red, blue and green) you’ll get the idea why parents and government so paranoid about video games-violence things. Despite its controversy Lethal Enforcer also provides ‘more life like’ shootout you’ve seen in Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry movie. Perhaps as the research show that video games are part of stress relief and did not connected directly with violence, developer would create a more life like rail shooter game like these one, of course in order to do that Nintendo policy should be changed from casual family type gamer into hard core gamer.
Wild Guns
What more could be the best settings for rail shooter other than showdown on Wild West era? No rail shooter developers ever use Wild West as their game story anymore, nor FPS developer, its also rarely being used on movie nowadays. It’s a shame tough how could developer waste such a perfect atmosphere to build around Rail Shooter? So while we wait developer of rail shooter get their ‘epiphany’ it best to remind us all that even Nintendo once have Rail Shooter title based on Wild West settings on Wild Guns. It would be nice if they revived it again once more.